New Beginnings

It's a new year and this one holds a bunch of changes for me.* For starters, I'm starting a new job! I'll be working with the development team at WellMatch.

I start on Monday, but my new computer arrived this morning. It's been a while since I set up a dev environment, so here's a quick rundown of the things I did to get it up and running. I'll update more as I make more changes.

  • Fix caps lock/ctrl
  • Fix key repeat speed and delay until repeat
  • Set up bluetooth keyboard (and caps/ctrl)
  • Set up bluetooth mouse
  • Let tab move through all the controls (^+F7)
  • Xcode and developer tools - don't worry, you'll be prompted about this
  • Git
  • hipchat
  • iterm
  • chrome
  • something for window management.
  • Put dock on the left
  • Get all the bullshit out of the dock (lol windows messenger)

* I don't do resolutions, so I won't resolve to blog more. There are a bunch of drafts I've been working on so maybe I'll do something with those.